Global Association of Risk Management

GARP Global Association of Risk Management

Search results:

Transaction Processing Research Approach

“Hi, I don’t see any of the 384 transactions we processed yesterday in our customers ICS accounts. Can you see them on your side? “
— Search Request from Paul on Friday, 12/9/2022

Transaction Processed Week of 12/5


Previous search results:

“Hi, I just received a text message from Fiserv informing me of a connection issue. Did you receive the same notice? Can you look into it and give me a ETA for resolution?”
— Search Request from Paul on Monday, 12/5/2022

Connection Issue Research Approach

USA Holiday Process Research Approach

“Hi, there are a couple of holidays coming up, which our bank will be closed, but are not federal reserved bank holidays. Should I have anything to worry about?”
— Search Request from Paul on Thursday, 12/1/2022

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